Practical compliance for results. Because TMS takes compliance seriously, we integrate our health & safety, environmental, and other compliance requirements into each task. This ‘grounds’ compliance factors and makes them practical considerations to fulfil, rather than an ominous force without any actual peace of mind.

TMS achieves this by:

Risk assessing: Within a privately occupied premises, your first responsibility is your staff and visitors. Where consultants are often brought in for the first time and expected to understand the habits of staff, TMS risk assessing blends staff insights and structural environments into its risk assessing.

Communication is consistently one of the greatest risks to businesses. Not only does a responsible person need to know the relevant risks at work, but also anyone else who might be affected within your premises. TMS ensures simple jargon-free information and reporting that can be passed on throughout your whole office environment.

Management: When contractors work within your premises, all entities need to be considered and managed. All occupants, projects, and any third-party services or contractors you require us to manage can be vetted and addressed.

Task & application summaries: Most contractor risk assessments to not consider your working environment or your staff. They are also often generic, full of jargon, and inaccessible to company employees. Because our Task & Application Summaries are simple to read and share, you can limit the risks of poor communication.

Training & Certification: Beyond the paperwork, your staff and contractors will need to present themselves and work in a way where they can make quick responsible decisions, that will ensure the safety of themselves and others.


Some of our most popular risk assessments include:

  • General Health & Safety
  • Employee risk
  • Fire & emergency risk
  • First aid risk
  • Security risk
  • Client's assessment templates

Some of our most popular environmental assessments include:

  • Waste disposal and recycling
  • Carbon emission monitoring and consultation
  • Gas refrigeration leak testing
  • Carbon offsetting